Hearing Products
If a hearing aid or device is necessary for your hearing journey, our experts will guide you to the best solution. We offer the latest hearing technology and products that address a wide variety of hearing loss concerns, helping you reconnect to the world around you.
Hearing Technology
Modern Solutions For All Types of Hearing Loss
Thanks to advances in technology, hearing products are designed to be more compatible with our lives than ever before. In addition to hearing aids, there are a number of products that make living and communicating with hearing loss easier to manage, so you never miss a beat.
Many hearing aids today can be connected through wireless technology to televisions, smartphones and other hearing accessories. Bluetooth also allows hearing devices to be programmed and adjusted using a remote computer program. There is a Bluetooth-enabled device for nearly every type and severity of hearing loss.
More on Bluetooth-Enabled Hearing AidsMany hearing aid users want help hearing voices from cell phones and music machines. Cellphone accessories assist the user in further amplifying sounds.
More on Cell Phone Accessories for Hearing AidsThe types and varieties of hearing aids grow each year. These sophisticated electronic devices carry many more features than they did only 20 years ago. Some are tiny and fit entirely in the ear canal, while others are larger and sit both in and outside the ear. Every hearing device is made to fit specific purposes; the type and style that is right for you depends on the severity of your hearing loss and other factors.
More on Hearing Aid Styles
Hearing Product Guide
Curious About Hearing Technology, but Not Sure Where to Start?
With so many styles and options, it can be difficult to know which products will suit your needs. Our Consumer Guide to Hearing Aids provides an in-depth breakdown of the different types of hearing devices, as well as the technology available for all types of hearing loss.
Hearing Aid Manufacturers
Hearing Products Created by the Best in the Industry
When it comes to hearing loss, you need a device you can rely on to perform its best. That’s why we carry products from manufacturers with a proven track record of exceptional quality. No matter your budget, lifestyle or type of hearing loss, we have a product to meet your needs.
Oticon Hearing Aids & Accessories
Oticon is dedicated to “a world where hearing loss is no limitation,” and it creates and manufactures all types of hearing aids for that purpose.
View All ProductsSignia Hearing Aids & Accessories
Signia makes all types of hearing devices and includes sophisticated assistance programs reached using your cell phone or computer.
View All ProductsSonic Innovations Hearing Aids & Accessories
Sonic Innovations provides products designed to make “communication clear and natural, to make everyday sounds better.”
View All ProductsStarkey Hearing Aids & Accessories
Starkey is a leading manufacturer of all types and styles of hearing aid. Starkey’s innovations include the latest automatic, electronic adjustable hearing aids.
View All ProductsUnitron Hearing Aids & Accessories
Unitron products promise great sound performance and more. Unitron makes hearing aids in all styles, and they are designed to respond automatically to changes in hearing environments.
View All ProductsHearing Protection
Make Protection a Priority
Protecting your ears from noise damage is essential to healthy hearing. We carry a wide variety of options equipped with the latest features and customizations, so you can find the best fit for your lifestyle.
One of the most useful product types in hearing technology is the custom molded hearing aid or protector. Earmolds are formed around your ear to hold electronics or ear protection items. Earplugs, likewise, are formed by inserting foam inside the ear that hardens slightly to form a perfect mold of that canal. Hearing protectors are made using these molds.
More on Custom Earmolds And EarplugsMore hearing damage is done by loud and concussive noise than by any other problem. The use of earplugs and earphone-type hearing protection has grown exponentially as users experienced the damage that can happen. Musicians are particularly susceptible to this loud sound since they are in the environment constantly. Special products have been designed to allow sound to be heard clearly but in lower volume so musicians can perform to the highest standards:
More on Earplugs And Monitors For MusiciansOne style of hearing protective earphones is for shooters and hunters. Since it is important to hear the people around them, shooter's protection contains a valve that closes as soon as the vibration of a gunshot reaches the chamber, but opens once it has been stopped.
More on Electronic Shooters ProtectionAll hearing protection products are designed to reduce or eliminate the volume of sound. There are many styles but two basic types: earplugs and earphones. Standard earplugs are made to reduce sound and come in standard or custom styles. Earphone-style sound protection is generally more sound deadening than earplugs with a more open fit.
More on Hearing Protection
Assistive Listening Technology
Additional Tools to Support Clear Communication
You don’t have to rely on hearing aids alone; assistive listening technology and compatible devices can help bring more clarity to conversations and are another great way to foster healthy communication and connections.